Qr Digital Pages

Tired of removing the placards and menus in your business?

Don’t want to invest on the paper work? Want your customer gets the updates themselves?

DON'T WORRY, we have a solution for you!! The recent market has started up a revolutionary way to offer hassle free menu handling to your business. With digital QR menu you can convert your menu into a contactless QR code and a customer can scan and see all your products on their smartphones itself.

Why Digital QR Code?

Start working with Landrick that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

No Printing Costs

The traditional menu makes your cost go up and if there are some new addition in your menu then instead of just adding the item in your menu you’ve to update up the whole menu and print new ones thus making it a regular cost in your business whereas digital QR code being an one time investment makes it easier to update your menu without any issues and thus making your costs go down.

Contactless & Safe

With the recent break of COVID-19 now it has been a necessity to make minimum physical contact with everything. With our digital menu the customer will scan and see it on their smartphones/tablets thus decreasing physical contact.

Customer Friendly

With proper analysis you will be able to see what are the best products , which products your customers like the most thus making it easier for you to create an user friendly menu.

What Role We Play?

Here we create your digital QR code and send it to you creating changes for you with all the updates on menus and dishes. And if there’s any new changes in the near future we do that also. We make sure your menu looks attractive and lucrative for you.

What You Have To Do?

All you have to do is to sit back and relax while we handle all the menu related issues for you.


Use our services for 14 days and if you don’t like our services we will give your money back.

Have Question ? Get in touch!

Want to know more? Get in touch with our dedicated team and give us the privilege of working with us.

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